04 March 2018

Join Afilias Australia Pty Ltd today!

This is the sixth post in our ongoing blog designed to keep you informed about the technical upgrade portion of the .au Registry Transformation Project.

This post kicks off our hiring program for positions in Melbourne.

A critical part of Afilias’ plans for upgrading the technology for .au is the establishment of a fully staffed office in Melbourne, headed by Pat Donaldson (see our post from last week).

Our Melbourne office will be the front line for a world class registry system, DNS system and service capability that will upgrade the infrastructure and support for the entire .au top level domain.  This means that candidates have an opportunity to make significant contributions to the security, stability and reliability of all of the internet addresses preferred by Australian business, organizations, bloggers and all other members of the internet community.  A “.au” website or email address means AUSTRALIA to every internet user on the planet, and Afilias is proud to be building a team in Melbourne that will make it all “just work.”

Below are a few of the positions Afilias will fill in the next few months.  In general, we are looking for professional, experienced individuals with high integrity who are customer oriented, are pragmatic, thorough and creative, and who take ownership of their areas of responsibility.

If YOU are qualified in the following positions, we want to talk with you ASAP, especially if you have knowledge of  and/or experience in the domain/DNS industry:

  • Customer Support Analysts
  • Senior System Administrator
  • Junior System Administrator
  • Security Specialist (operations)
  • Security Specialist (policy and compliance)

Please contact us at careersaustralia@afilias.com.au for more information.

More information on Afilias plc is located at www.afilias.info.  And we’ll soon expand this blog site to include everything about Afilias Australia Pty Ltd!

Have a question or want to suggest a topic for us to cover?  Please email us at transformationblog@afilias.com.au