Today’s blog post provides an overview of the public consultation process .au Domain Administration is currently holding in various locations around Australia. The purpose of these consultations is to seek the Australian community’s input on proposed changes to the .au licencing rules and the .au Namespace Implementation Policy.
These sessions are being facilitated by strategic consultancy group, ThinkPlace, who work to ensure that all voices are heard and all input is documented.
The status of consultations so far
It has been a collaborative process, presenting an opportunity for the Australian community to shape the .au namespace. There are a total of seven public consultation sessions scheduled in capital cities around the country and online, to ensure all areas that impact the community have been considered.
As it stands, there have been a total of 4 sessions held:
Canberra, 15 Oct.12pm-4pm
Sydney, 16 Oct. 8am-12pm
Webinar 1, 17 Oct. 8:45am-11:30am
Melbourne, 17 Oct. 12pm-3:30pm
Sessions yet to take place are:
Brisbane, 28 Oct. 12pm-4pm
Webinar 2, 30 Oct. 12:45pm-3pm
Webinar 3, 30 Oct. 3:15pm-5:30pm
Session breakdown
Each of the consultations begins with an introduction from ThinkPlace and a rundown of how each session will operate. Attendees are encouraged to reflect and document thoughts in an individual diary, while sitting in a small group. There is time dedicated to sharing these reflections and summarising the feedback in dot point form, to be combined on a poster to present back to the group.
The topics for discussion are broken down into 4 key areas:
Name Allocation Rules
Introduction of second level .au rules
Registrant Responsibilities
Take down provisions
Have your say in the future of .au
If you have not yet attended, and would like to be involved in the future of .au, we encourage you to come along. These consultations are free, all you need to do is register your attendance at the auDA website.
If you are unable to attend or feel like you have something else to say on the proposed rules, you have until 30 November 2019 to submit a written submission to or fill in a feedback form at
Have a question or idea for a future blog post? Email us at